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Keystone's First Comprehensive Plan Begins!

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To lay the foundation for future planning and policy setting, the Town of Keystone will be developing its first ever comprehensive plan. The plan will provide the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning, and other policies and programs designed to address current and long-term needs identified during this community-driven process. Beyond the plan’s role as an advisory document, this plan will reflect the town’s shared values and community priorities, describe the community’s vision for the town, and a set of actions that the town and community can undertake as we chart our path forward together.

Public input will be critical to the development of the Town’s first comprehensive plan to ensure that the plan reflects the needs, desires, and decisions of the community. This project is just kicking off, but please stay tuned for more details on upcoming engagement opportunities, as the dates will be posted here, and on an upcoming project website. The first engagement opportunity is likely to be in early March 2025. Please spread the word about this exciting project!

This project is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2025. The project team that will be leading this effort includes members of the town staff, and a consultant team led by SE Group. The team will also be in close coordination with the Town Planning Commission and Town Council, as well as community stakeholders in Keystone. For more information, please contact Lindsay Hirsh, Community Development Director at