2025 Resolutions
Resolution 2025-01 - Designating the Public Place for Posting of Meetings
Resolution 2025-02 - Approving Amended CORA Policy
Resolution 2025-03 - Adopting Pay Grades and Job Classifications
Resolution 2025-04 - Appointing Alternate Members of Planning Commission
Resolution 2025-05 - Approving a Down Payment Assistance Program
Resolution 2025- 06 - Approving IGA for Joint Law Enforcement
2024 Resolutions
Resolution 2024-01 - Declaring Incorporation
Resolution 2024-02 - Identifying Councilmembers
Resolution 2024-03 - Electing a Mayor Pro Tem
Resolution 2024-04 - Appointing Interim Town Manager
Resolution 2024-05 - Appointing Town Clerk
Resolution 2024-06 - Appointing Town Attorney
Resolution 2024 -07 - Authorizing IGA for Continuation of Services by Summit County
Resolution 2024-08 - Requesting Membership in the Summit Combined Housing Authority
Resolution 2024-09 - Joining the Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency
Resolution 2024-10- Designating The Public Place for Posting of Notices
Resolution 2024-11-Setting the Regular Meeting Dates of Town Council
Resolution 2024-12-Defining the Process for Setting Meeting Agendas
Resolution 2024-13 - Authorizing IGA with Summit County for Disbursement of 2% Sales Tax
Resolution 2024-14 - Authorizing A Professional Services Agreement with Accounting Firm
Resolution 2024-15 - Authorizing a Corporate Banking Agreement With Firstbank
Resolution 2024-16 - Authorizing an Agreement for Information Technology Services
Resolution 2024-17 - Authorizing Benefits Package for Town Staff and Town Council
Resolution-2024-18 - Adopting A Policy Regarding Public Comment
Resolution 2024-19 - Authorizing a Lease of a Portion of the Keystone Center
Resolution 2024-20 - Adopting a Seal
Resolution 2024-21 - Approving the Official Map
Resolution 2024-22 - Designating The Official Newspaper of Record
Resolution 2024-23 - Designating the Official Address
Resolution 2024-24 - Approving A Colorado Open Records Act Policy
Resolution 2024-26 - Approving Colorado Retirement Association Membership
Resolution 2024-27 - Authorizing an Amendment to Agreement with Accounting Firm
Resolution 2024-28 - Adopting the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Resolution 2024-29 - Approving the Town of Keystone Employee Handbook
Resolution 2024-30 - Opposing House Bill 24-1152
Resolution 2024-31 - Authorizing Agreement Verticomm to act as Managed Services Provider
Resolution 2024-32 - Approving Town Council Bylaws
Resolution 2024-33 - Setting the Fees for Various Town Services
Resolution 2024-34 - Approving Town Manager Employment Agreement with John Crone
Resolution 2024-35 - Approving an Amendment to Agreement with the Interim Town Manager
Resolution 2024-36 - Requesting Participation in County-Wide Special Sales Tax Tobacco and Nicotine
Resolution 2024-37 - Amendment to IGA with Summit County on Transition Services
Resolution 2024-38 - Approving an IGA with Summit County Sherrif's Office
Resolution 2024-39 - Appointing Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission
Resolution 2024-40 - Authorizing a Bank Signer with First Bank
Resolution 2024-41 -Appointing Town Manager
Resolution 2024-42 - Adopting Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 2024-43 - Approving a Digital Signature Policy
Resolution 2024-44 Approving Agreement with BlueVector AI
Resolution 2024-45 - Amending Town Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-46 - Authorizing Participation in ColoTrust
Resolution 2024-47 - Approving Payment of Incorporation Expenses
Resolution 2024-48 - Adopting Travel Reimbursement Policies
Resolution 2024-49 - Adopting Town Purchasing Policy
Resolution 2024-50 - Approving Agreement with Deckard Technologies
Resolution 2024- 51 - Approving TOK24-001
Resolution 2024-52 - Amending Town Fee Schedule to Include Short-Term Rentals
Resolution 2024-53 - Approving a Request for Proposals for Comprehensive Plan Consultants
Resolution 2024-54 - Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Election Services
Resolution 2024-55 - Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Summit Housing Authority
Resolution 2024-56 - Approving Independent Auditor Request for Proposals
Resolution 2024-57 - Approving Ballot Language for De-Brucing
Resolution-2024-58 - Submitting a Ballot Issue Seeking Voter Authorization of New Lodging Tax
Resolution 2024-59 - Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Distribution of Nicotine Tax
Resolution 2024-60 - Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Child Care Tuition Assistance
Resolution 2024-61 - Ina's Residences Way Subdivision Improvements Agreement
Resolution 2024-63 - Approving IGA with Summit County for Liquor Code Enforcement at Mountain House
Resolution 2024-64 - Appointing Individual to Fill Councilmember Vacancy
Resolution 2024-65 - Approving Camber Townhomes Site Plan Improvements Agreement
Resolution 2024-66 - Consenting to Summit County Fire Ban
Resolution 2024-67 - Proposition 123 Commitment Process
Resolution 2024-68 - Amended Town Council Bylaws
Resolution 2024-69 - Conditional Use Permit 31 River Overlook Court
Resolution 2024-70 -Summit County Building Department IGA
Resolution 2024-71 - Approving Maintenance of Certain Roads
Resolution 2024-72 - Approving SE Group Contract for Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 2024-73 - Approving TOK24-012
Resolution 2024-74 - Approving Amended Town Council Bylaws
Resolution 2024-75 Approving Contract for Maintenance of Certain Roads
Resolution 2024-76 - Adopting FY 2025 Budget
Resolution 2024-77: Appropriating Funds for FISCAL YEAR 2025
Resolution 2024-78 - Establishing a Mill Levy of 0.0 for 2025 Budget Year