Town Council Vacancy: Reach Out to for more details!


Request for Proposals

All active request for proposals can be viewed below. 

The Town of Keystone is seeking the services of a professional consulting firm to assist the Town of Keystone in the development of the Town’s First Comprehensive Plan. This document will guide the Town’s development, redevelopment and decision making at all levels for the Town’s future.
The Town will provide a project manager to coordinate and communicate with during the Comprehensive Plan process. Additionally, the Town will provide resources to assist with the various topics that will be discussed during the Comprehensive Plan process.

The firm must have extensive experience and skills in the development of comprehensive plans, as well as facilitation of community visioning and public outreach in both in-person and on-line settings. The Town encourages and promotes public outreach and input.

The Town will receive proposals in response to this RFP until 4:00 pm on September 6, 2024. Proposals received after that date and time will not be reviewed/considered.
Interested firms shall submit (1) bound copy of their proposal and one (1) digital copy. Bound copies of proposals can be dropped off or mailed to:

Town of Keystone
Attn. Lindsay Hirsh, Community Development Director
1628 Sts. John Road
Page 3 of 7
Keystone, CO 80435

Questions regarding the RFP may be submitted to Phone calls will not be accepted.

The deadline for questions is August 26, 2024, all questions and answers will be published.

Interviews of those selected will begin in mid to late September 2024.

Final selection is anticipated for early October 2024, with contract approval in October.

Full details can be found in the request for proposal document.