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Open Records Requests

On February 13, 2024, Town Council adopted Resolution 2024-24 designating the Keystone Town Clerk as the official custodian of all records maintained by the Town of Keystone. 

To submit a public records request:

  • Use the form linked below.
  • E-mail the request to
  • Mail or submit the request in person at Keystone Town Hall, 1628 Sts John Rd Keystone, CO 80435
Bear sitting on the branch of a tree.

Rules and Regulations for Records Requests (Adopted February 13, 2024)
  1. Public records of the Town of Keystone are open for inspection and copying in the office of the Town Clerk during regular business hours as required by the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. ยง 24-72-201, et seq. ("CORA") and except as otherwise provided. 
  2. All requests to inspect and/or copy public records must be made in writing to the Town Clerk. Each request shall include specific information about the record being requested as well as the requestor's name, address, and contact information. Requests may be made on forms provided by the Town Clerk of by any other written method. 
  3. Any requested public record not in the care, custody or control of the Town is not subject to inspection under these rules and regulations. Additionally, the Town Clerk has no obligation to reconstruct any record to satisfy the request. The Town Clerk will respond to the requesting party with this fact. 
  4. If the public record requested is in the care, custody or control of the Town and such record is not in active use or is in storage, and therefore is not readily available at the time the requesting party asks to examine it, the Town Clerk will set a date and hour at which time the record will be made available for inspection. 
  5. All original Town records shall remain in the possession, custody, and control of the Town Clerk at all times. 
  6. As required by law, the Town Clerk will redact any private, confidential, or otherwise protected information contained in a public record before releasing it to the requesting party. 
  7. The Town is not required to create a new public record or to create a different format than the existing one in response to a request. 
  8. Inspection of a public record will not be permitted if it is determined that the record is not permitted by any provision of the Colorado Open Records Act, 24-72-204(2)(a) and contrary to the public interest. 
  9. If the request is for a voluminous number of records and/or is likely to require more than one hour of time to complete the request, the Town Clerk may require the requesting party to make a reasonable deposit against the final cost of complying with the request. Once the deposit is filed, the Town Clerk will begin to fulfill the request. 
  10. The Town Clerk has three (3) business days in which to complete the request. If more time is needed, the Town Clerk may extend the time an additional seven (7) business days, for a total of ten (10) business days, to complete the request and will notify the requesting party of the additional time needed. 
  11. In calculating the due date, the Town Clerk applies the following guidelines:
    1. If a request is received after 5:00 p.m., it is considered received the next business day. 
    2. In calculating the time to respond, the day the request is received is not counted.
    3. For broad, general requests, the timeframe for fulfilling a request may be put on hold while the Town Clerk attempts to clarify or narrow the request with the requestor.
    4. For requests that require a deposit or payment, the timeframe for completion of the request is put on hold until payment is received. 
  12. At the Town Clerk's discretion, requests with the same or similar search terms from one requestor will be consolidated as necessary, and the Town Clerk will notify the requestor of this decision. Each request will be handled in the order in which it was received. Once consolidated, the prescribed fee below will be charged for the staff time necessary to review and respond to the consolidated request. 
CORA Request Fee Schedule

The first hour of research and retrieval is free. After the first hour, the rate for research and retrieval is $33.58 and is pro-rated by the quarter of an hour. 

Charges for copies of a public record is $0.25/page.