Town Council Vacancy: Reach Out to for more details!

Portrait photo of Ken Riley Mayor of the Town of Keystone

Ken Riley

Town of Keystone

I am retired from the Air Force and the aerospace industry. My wife Linda and I purchased a condo in Keystone in 1998 and I became a resident and registered voter in 2021. In 2010, I became actively involved in the Keystone Community and in 2020, became one of the leaders of the incorporation initiative. I served on the Incorporation Committee, and the Charter Commission and am a leader of the Incorporation Transition Team as we prepare to make Keystone Colorado’s newest town.

I am passionate about finding solutions to US6 pedestrian and vehicle safety, the lack of coherent and maintained trails and open space, growth that has been approved without mitigating the impacts to pedestrian safety, traffic and parking, the lack of childcare for our residents and workforce, and lack of housing for our seasonal and full-time workforce. Incorporation gives us the opportunity to address these issues and implement solutions to meet the needs of the entire community—the full-time residents, year-round and seasonal workforce, businesses, and second homeowners. 

This first Town Council can make a model town focused on service to the entire community, lean and efficient operations, transparency in all we do, and getting community involvement and input to find solutions to current issues and chart the path for the community’s future. I pledge to work with my fellow council members to achieve these goals. As your Mayor, I will work tirelessly for our community, listen to your concerns and needs, and work to f ind solutions to the issues you face now and in the future. 

It won’t be easy, but by working together and with the help of the entire Keystone Community, we can address our current issues and chart a course to make Keystone a world-class place to live, work, visit and play.