I am a Colorado native who grew up in a similar, nearby mountain community, so I’ve seen the impact of unchecked change and growth on the place I once loved and grew up in. My husband and I have owned in Keystone for 16 years and lived here for six.
Keystone is home, and we have three kids who attend elementary and high school in the Summit School District. The job of establishing The Town of Keystone isn’t finished. It’s true that Keystone is a community that is anchored by the business of a resort and tourism, but we are more than a Resort. Our community has a historic opportunity to gain autonomy, build on what has worked, and avoid what hasn’t. There is a huge learning curve, and we need continuity between the Charter and the Town Ordinances. We are tailoring something from the ground up, and to a large extent, learning as we go.
I am very passionate about The Town of Keystone, and I have been supporting the effort and working behind the scenes in every way possible. Most recently, I served on the Charter Commission. Anyone who truly knows me, knows I’m passionate, loyal, committed, kind, and a bit fiery when necessary. Although I am a team player, I’m not a follower. I’m not afraid to pause for poise, question a situation, and swim upstream. I’m NOT an aspiring politician. I’m sticking my neck out because I’m committed and convinced Incorporation is the right thing to do, and it has to be done well and with good intentions. It’s unequivocally impossible to make everyone happy, but I can promise I will remain authentic and transparent. I welcome spirited, respectful discourse on any issue. I thrive on leaning into other perspectives, and finding solutions.
Please refer to my Charter Commission Bio for a more detailed professional and personal background.