Town Council Vacancy: Reach Out to for more details!


Renewal Liquor License Applications

The State of Colorado sends out renewal applications to licensees prior to the renewal deadline. The Town of Keystone Clerk's Office will also reach out to licensees to notify of their upcoming renewal deadlines. 

  1. Fill out renewal application sent to you via mail by the State of Colorado. If you have misplaced this application, please use this Retail Liquor License Renewal Application (DR8400).
  2. Fill out Tax Check Waiver Authorization Form 
  3. Pay your State fee online and submit the proof of payment with your renewal application. Alternatively, submit a check for the appropriate amount of State Fees written out to Colorado Department of Revenue. 
  4. Pay your Town fees via check written out to Town of Keystone. View the Town Fee Schedule here. 
  5. If you check the box for Takeout and Delivery Permit, please include the State Renewal for Takeout Delivery Permit and pay the state fee for delivery permit. 
  6. Convert all documents to PDF documents or print out for submission via mail or in person. 
  7. Request a link for secure document submission link to submit the above components from Mail to 1628 Sts. John Rd, Keystone, CO 80435, or drop off in person at the same address.

Your Renewal Application must be submitted to the Town of Keystone at least 45 days prior to the expiration of your liquor license, failing to do so may lead to a violation or an interruption in liquor deliveries.